Shady’s Back, Tell a Friend…

No really, tell a friend. Well since I have probably lost most of my 4 followers and probably have 2… (thanks for the loyalty Mom & Dad!!!) it will surely be a slow start back on the road to blogging. But though the road is long and potentially treacherous, I will prevail. And I never, ever exaggerate don’t forget… 😉  So to recap, I got married, got a new job, planned the entire wedding by single-handedly, went on the most amazing honeymoon ever, and now I am swimming in free time. Swimming. Like front stroke, back stroke….you know. But it’s not like I swim, so don’t quote me on those strokes. So I figured I would loop you three in while I swim, or float, and enjoy my husband (!!!!!???) puppy and everything NYC has to offer, but mainly fitness and food. So to apologize for my absence to the three of you who cared, I offer some pictures of my wedding as a peace offering. And a link to my AMAZING photographer’s website where I was able to share the story of my wedding, from start to finish 🙂

Sara’s View (Anthony Vazquez Photography) 

All photos below courtesy of


More shoes. I love shoes.

We may or may not have danced in the middle of 6th avenue….Safety first as the light turned green…

First dance (Billy Joel, New York State of Mind). Clearly, I’m a very serious wife/dancer.

There’s no better party than your own wedding. As is evidence by this air guitar gem… (Photo credit NOT Anthony Vazquez, one of my epic friends.) I am only glad I have yet to see my wedding video where I rapped “This is How we do it”. Every Word. Solo. And I only had a couple glasses of champagne….

Best night of my life. And Boom. I’m married. And up in the air.

Honeymoon post to come. Think: Lions and tigers and South Africa, oh my!! 🙂


Musing of the day: Why can’t my apartment have an infinity pool?

So lovelies what have YOU been up to lately??? Tell!!