Days 11, 12, 13: shut up and run

Since I know you (mom and dad…) have been waiting at the edges of your running shoes for this one, let me recap:

Thursday: Exhale barre class. Legs. Were.Angry.

Friday: upper body lifting + 30 min run (was supposed to be 4 miles but garminless and time constraints = womp)

Saturday: 8 miles COMPLETE. Despite wanting to stop for nap breaks (7:30am Saturday runs on sore leggies are a little toughhhhhh) Gregg kept me going, despite making him stop at 100 water fountains (sorry again, GB, thought one might yield wine or vodka…hope springs eternal??) he was for sure the only reason I didn’t quit at mile 6. 8 is the longest I’ve run in probably a year, getting over the mental hurdle is really the challenge…averaged around a 9:30mm (my garmin died, Gregg ran an extra mile at like a 4 min mile and skewed the results..) but I’ll take it. And then we went to the diner where people ogled my ability to turn a shade of red normally only seen on rainbows. The end.

How has your weekend been, party people? husband and dad are in Vegas for baby bro’s Bach and I’m off to a wedding this evening. May your weekend water bottles be filled with something special ❤


This wasn’t so ugly last night…


One thought on “Days 11, 12, 13: shut up and run

  1. I have yet to experience the Garmin Battery Death of Doom, but maybe that’s because I am a psycho when it comes to charging my electronics constantly. 🙂 Way to pump out the 8 miles, lady!

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